Best Time For a 2 Weeks Uganda Safari

2 Weeks Uganda Safari Itinerary

The 14 Days Uganda safari takes you to the magnificent Murchison Falls for a stunning picturesque sight rich with birds and water creatures, grabs you to Kibale National park to visit the Chimpanzees and different species of monkeys, and to Queen Elizabeth National Park and Kazinga Channel renowned for its variety of wildlife, birdlife, and panoramic geographical attributes.

The 2 weeks safari in Uganda offers you a chance to have a meeting with the Gorillas in Bwindi impenetrable forest and an occasional pleasure at the beautifully developed Lake Bunyonyi directed as “the Switzerland of Africa” where you will appreciate relaxed boating expeditions with chances for sprinkling many water birds and wildlife and to appreciate born artistic frontages.

The safari also includes trip to Lake Mburo National Park for fantastic nature hikes and a stop at the Equator.  You will crown your Tour with a journey to Jinja City, a City endowed with extraordinary tourist interests that have the Source of the Nile, the Bujagali Falls, and the ancient Styled Indian facilities among others. You will also take part in white water rafting and another adventurous mark on this tremendous river.

2 Weeks Uganda Safari Itinerary

              14 Days Uganda Safari Highlights. 

 √ Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. 

 √ The picturesque scenery of Murchison falls. 

 √ Game drives in Murchison Falls National Park. 

 √ Boat takeoff on Victoria Nile. 

 √ Chimpanzee expedition in Kibale National Park. 

 √ A nature walk in the Bigodi swamp. 

 √ Game drive in Queen Elizabeth National Park. 

 √ Boat Launch on Kazinga channel. 

 √ Canoe ride on Lake Bunyonyi. 

 √ Hike in Bunyonyi hills. 

 √ Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. 

 √ Cultural trek in Bwindi. 

 √ Game drive in Lake Mburo National Park. 

 √ Canoe passage on Lake Mburo. 

 √ Equator adventure. 

 √ Stop into the Source of the Nile. 

 √ White Water Rafting, Bungee jumping,  Quad biking, and Cultural expedition. 

             14 Days Uganda Safari  Itinerary.

DAY 1: Arrival in Uganda through Entebbe Airport

You will be met at the Entebbe International Airport by our Tour guide who will move you to the hotel reserved for you in Kampala. Dinner and overnight will be at this hotel.

DAY 2: Journey to Murchison Falls National Park (5-6hrs) Drive. 

You will have an earlier breakfast and drive to Murchison Falls National Park via the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary where you will have the chance to trek the Rhinos. The sanctuary homes Uganda’s Rhino reintroduction scheme. There are 9 white Rhinos and the search is done on foot for 1 and half hours. You will keep going to Masindi Town for lunch and later drive to Murchison Falls National Park. The whole trip stands for 6-7 hours. You will have dinner and overnight at the lodge of your booking.

DAY 3: Game drive and Boat launch on the Nile. 

You will have an earlier beginning (6.30 am) and set off for a morning game drive in the Nyamsika plateau to see the Cape buffaloes, Rothschild’s giraffes, Uganda kob, hartebeest, and waterbucks. You may also spot oribi, bushbuck, Bohor reedbuck, shy sitatunga, bush duiker, warthogs, and bush pigs plus big carnivores including lions, leopards, and spotted hyenas.  Chimpanzees and Olive Baboons captain the list of six species of primates based in the park. Crocodiles and Hippos will be glimpsed along the pools of the River Nile. Some of the additional familiar birds that can be seen include Goliath Heron, Egyptian Geese, Pelican, Bee-eaters, Kingfishers, Hornbills, Cormorants, Saddle-bill storks, and the rare shoebill stork.

You will pay back to your lodge for a late breakfast and some leisure before you fire off in the afternoon for a boat cruise on the placid Victoria Nile, upstream, to the ground of the falls. En route, you will catch a glimpse of Hippos, Crocodiles, Waterbucks, and a wide variety of birds like the unusual shoebill stork. The boat ceases just tens of meters for images to be grabbed of the photogenic and majestic Murchison Falls.

DAY 4: Visit the Top of the Fall and Travel to Kibale Forest National Park

You will after your breakfast visit the “top of the roaring Murchison falls”, where you will celebrate the River Nile scraping itself into a 7-meter valley before falling 40 meters down in a roaring blast and then flowing down into an extremely friendly river whose water pools are crowded with a profusion of water and land animals as politely as birds.

You will afterward set off on a 6-hour trip to Kibale Forest National Park.  The drive is through green country inter-passing classic homesteads and ranches and via the villages of Hoima and Fort portal which leisure in the cloud of the fabled Mountains Of The Moon. You will hold dinner and overnight at the lodge of your booking. 

DAY 5: Chimpanzee tracking and nature walk in Kibale Forest

After breakfast, you will register at the Kanyanchu Tourist Centre at 08.00 am for a briefing on the restrictions of Chimpanzee Tracking Kibale Forest National Park has a tremendous mixture and the increased attention of primates in East Africa. The most well-known of its 13 species is the Chimpanzee, a very pleasant Ape.

The expedition takes 2-3 hours and it will supply you with the chance to see a mixture of other primates and animals as polite as birds, and a mixture of butterflies.  You will pay back to the lodge for lunch and in the afternoon go for a nature walk in the Bigodi Wetland to see a mixture of birds and Monkey Species. You will have dinner and overnight at your lodge.

DAY 6: Game drive and boat cruise in Queen Elizabeth National Park

After your morning breakfast, you will retain an earlier morning Game drive where you will see the Lions, Leopards, Giant forest hogs, Cape buffaloes, Elephant, Defassa waterbucks, Uganda Kobs, Topis, and Bushbucks 

among others. You will pay back to your lodge for lunch and in the afternoon go for a 2-hour boat cruise on the Kazinga Channel.

It is a 42 km channel that merges Lake Edward and Lake George. This journey passes through perhaps the highest attention of Hippos and presents a wonderful forum for photography, bird watching, and game viewing. The prolific bird life is bright, with politely over 550 inhabitant species. Dinner and overnight will be consumed at your reserved lodge.

DAY 7: Game Drive and travel to Lake Bunyonyi. 

You will wake up before a morning game drive in the park during which you will glimpse Lions, Elephants, Topis, Leopards, Bushbucks, Cape Buffaloes, Defassa Waterbucks, Giant Forest Hogs, and Uganda Kobs, among others. You will pay back to your lodge for a delinquent breakfast after which you will tour Lake Bunyonyi.

The lake tells an untruth finish to the boundary with Rwanda and is declared to be one of the great attractive spots in western Uganda. It is the Second bottomless lake in Africa and again one of the rare spots in the country where it is believed safe to swim as it is bilharzia free. The trip grabs 6-7 hours and you will have your lunch,  Dinner, and overnight will be at one of the multiple lodges near the lake.

DAY 8: Canoeing and hiking on Lake Bunyonyi

This morning you can decide to either have a canoe passage on the lake or a hike through the surrounding hills/cliffs The terrain around the lake is created up of vertical slants/slopes wrapped with overgrown green vegetation protruding from the water’s boundary. Bunyonyi represents the “place of little birds” and as the word means, there is generous birdlife around the lake.

You can get to understand the seven islands, stop in the regional homes, and admire pictures of volcanoes. In the afternoon you will drive to Kisoro in the southwestern territory of Uganda close to the boundaries with Rwanda and Congo. You will proceed through an attractive part of the motherland frequently directed to as ‘the Switzerland of Africa’.

You will glimpse the extraordinary countryside, and bamboo forests, and maintain great pictures of the Virunga Mountains if it is a Monday or Thursday you will glimpse a big bright market in Kisoro. You will hold dinner and overnight at the lodge of your booking.

DAY 9: Gorilla trekking in Bwindi. 

You will have an earlier morning breakfast and drive to the Park center to join other trackers in a briefing about the gorilla trekking rules at 7:45 am. You will trek through dense Forests and undergrowth with your guides to track down the Gorillas, which can grab you 2-8 hours.

The steeply forested terrain is extremely dense but crisscrossed by multiple creature tracks permitting entry by travelers. You will have one hour to keep up with the Gorillas once sited before paying back to your lodge to rest. You will hold dinner and overnight at the lodge of your booking.

DAY 10: Cultural Village Walk in Bwindi. 

Will politely after breakfast, go for a guided 3-5 hour community walk through the ranches and towns of the Bufumbira and Bakiga tribes to encounter the livelihoods of these regional societies. You will stop in a Traditional Herbalist to see how he organizes native medication to deal with a wide collection of human illnesses, see how local beer is brewed capitalizing on local strategies, and be amused by the traditional dances shown by the Local Community Entertainment groups. You will give birth to dinner and overnight at the lodge of your booking.

DAY 11: Game drive in Lake Mburo National Park and boat cruise on the Lake. 

You will have an earlier breakfast and trip to Lake Mburo National Park centered on a sequence of swamp-fringed lakes wealthy in bird life while its innocent acacia forest havens wildlife like the Zebras, warthogs, Elands, and Impala among others. You will give birth to lunch in Mbarara City and proceed with the drive to the park. With-it the afternoon you will proceed for a 2-hour boat Cruise on Lake Mburo and reach relatively near to the water animals that including Crocodiles and Hippos. You will give birth to dinner and overnight at the lodge of your booking.

DAY 12: Travel to Kampala

After breakfast attempt an expedition to the park on the ground with a professional game ranger who will illustrate to you which animals have vacated behind footprints and droppings and how extended ago. Mburo is one of the two parks in Uganda where it is allowed to go for a trek on foot. Will after the game trek recovers to the lodge for lunch and later set off on your return journey to Kampala.

You will give birth to the Equator where you will hold a chance to be located in two hemispheres at the same moment and grab some pictures. You will hold another stopover at the Mpigi Royal Drum Makers hub where you will be able to monitor the ceremonial drums being framed using traditional techniques passed down through the ages. You will reach Kampala in the late afternoon. Dinner and overnight stay will be at the hotel of your booking.

DAY 13:Drive to Jinja

We vacate earlier in the morning and head to Jinja to stop by the Source Of the Nile and appreciate some of the adventurous exercises whose options include White Water Rafting, Jet boating, Horse Riding, Mountain Biking, Quad biking, or Bungee Jumping.

DAY 14: Have an Adventure on the Nile.

After breakfast, go for the adventurous White Water Rafting on the Nile River. The Rafting begins at the Source Of the Nile at 09:30 am with an extensive briefing and existing suited with the Rafting equipment. The Rafting is accomplished on an 18-kilometer distance of the Nile River and no primary understanding of rafting is needed.

The first rare rapids are of low degree (1, 2) to create the spirit of the players before guiding them slowly into the more difficult degrees.

A numbering of eight main rapids is Rafter to maximize the adrenaline thrill of this experience. You will, after the rafting experience, be dined to a barbecue lunch and beverages before paying back to Kampala for your late Exit Flight or going to bed at a hotel of your booking for a well-deserved rest. 

FK Car Rental specializes in organizing guided Uganda safaris and tours for all types of travelers and incase you would like to book the 2 weeks safari, simply get in touch with us by sending an email to or call us at +256775694186 to speak with the reservations